The Curse of Pearl Blond

 The Curse of Pearl Blond Three main reasons as to why I transitioned from pearl blond to my natural haircolour or Why every hair colour is really not for everybody   by Karolina Chic Photo credit: Marc Louviere While you should predominantly focus on the right...

Content thief

Content  thief   or How not to brand yourself on social media when you start your business even if you feel inspired …and tempted     by Karolina Chic Fair warning: 4 minute read on advice I gave to someone I caught misbehaving on social media  ...
Style Charlatans

Style Charlatans

Style Charlatans   How Style Charlatans Harm Your Good Looks Fair warning: 3 min read on how you should never follow any advice from unqualified stylists and why   by Karolina Chic Wannabe stylists, no matter their following on social media, are detrimental...