One fine day

It is exactly as it sounds - a day well spent




Hire me for a day. I will be available to your image needs right where you need me

– in your house where your wardrobe lives.

Together we will create your style that will embody you as a person inside and out

so whoever will ever see you will be captivated even before you smile at them.


You will have my knowledge and my undivided attention accessible for the entire day.


I will bring all my props with me as my carry-on, so we will

assess your natural colouring situation to create your ideal carefully calibrated personalized colour palette

so that you radiate health, positivity and good intentions, no matter what you wear. 

I will give you your colour swatches and a colour compass so that you know exactly

how to combine them when you are on your own.


analyze your style to define your perfect fit for every single clothing item, shoe type, and accessory,

so every minute detail of your body will be taken care of visually.


analyze your wardrobe based on your lifestyle so we can specifically define

how many clothing item you need so you will wear them ALL in any given season.

No more unworn solitatry pieces hanging in your wardrobe, no impluse buys, no shopping mistakes.


spend time creating various outfits and take pictures of all of them

so it will not take you longer than 25 seconds to get dressed for any occasion.


go shopping together, if you wish.


I will tell you everything you need to know and guide you through everything you need to see

to know how to use your colours and your proper fit strategically in your image to create the impression you want to.


I will help you create your signature style so you will find true pleasure in presenting yourself to the world

unapologetically, authentically, and CONFIDENTLY in front of your desired audience.


I will show you how to turn your shopping and dressing habits into a prestigious image.



Let’s spend a day together, shall we?

My wardrobe needs you!

One fine day

Karolina Chic

It is exactly as it sounds – a day well spent

Hire me for a day. I will be available to your image needs right where you need me – in your house where your wardrobe lives.

Together we will create your style that will embody you as a person inside and out so whoever will ever see you will be captivated even before you smile at them.

You will have my knowledge and my undivided attention accessible for the entire day.


I will bring all my props with me as my carry-on, so we will

assess your natural colouring situation to create your ideal carefully calibrated personalized colour palette so that you radiate health, positivity and good intentions, no matter what you wear. 

I will give you your colour swatches and a colour compass so that you know exactly how to combine them when you are on your own.



analyze your style to define your perfect fit for every single clothing item, shoe type, and accessory, so every minute detail of your body will be taken care of visually.



analyze your wardrobe based on your lifestyle so we can specifically define how many clothing item you need so you will wear them ALL in any given season.

No more unworn solitary pieces hanging in your wardrobe, no impulse buys, no shopping mistakes.



spend time creating various outfits and take pictures of all of them so it will not take you longer than 25 seconds to get dressed for any occasion.



go shopping together, if you wish.



I will tell you everything you need to know and guide you through everything you need to see to know how to use your colours and your proper fit strategically in your image to create the impression you want to.


I will help you create your signature style so you will find true pleasure in presenting yourself to the world unapologetically, authentically, and CONFIDENTLY in front of your desired audience.


I will show you how to turn your shopping and dressing habits into a prestigious, reliable, and credible image.



I am entirely at your image disposal for a day. Use it!



This is an all-inclusive option with a 2 months email / messenger support.

Your life will change for good. Irreversibly. I promise.


Let’s spend a day together, shall we?

One fine day

Karolina Chic

It’s exactly what it sounds like – day well spent


Hire me for a day. I will be available to your image needs right where you need me – in your house where your wardrobe lives.

Together we will create your style that will embody you as a person inside and out so whoever will ever see you will be captivated even before you smile at them.

You will have my knowledge and my undivided attention accessible for the entire day.


I will bring all my props with me as my carry-on, so we will

assess your natural colouring situation to create your ideal carefully calibrated personalized colour palette so that you radiate health, positivity and good intentions, no matter what you wear. 

I will give you your colour swatches and a colour compass so that you know exactly how to combine them when you are on your own.



analyze your style to define your perfect fit for every single clothing item, shoe type, and accessory, so every minute detail of your body will be taken care of visually.



analyze your wardrobe based on your lifestyle so we can specifically define how many clothing item you need so you will wear them ALL in any given season.

No more unworn solitary pieces hanging in your wardrobe, no impulse buys, no shopping mistakes.



spend time creating various outfits and take pictures of all of them so it will not take you longer than 25 seconds to get dressed for any occasion.



go shopping together, if you wish.



I will tell you everything you need to know and guide you through everything you need to see to know how to use your colours and your proper fit strategically in your image to create the impression you want to.


I will help you create your signature style so you will find true pleasure in presenting yourself to the world unapologetically, authentically, and CONFIDENTLY in front of your desired audience.


I will show you how to turn your shopping and dressing habits into a prestigious, reliable, and credible image.



I am entirely at your image disposal for a day. Use it!



This is an all-inclusive option with a 2 months email / messenger support.

Your life will change for good. Irreversibly. I promise.


Let’s spend a day together, shall we?