The Curse of Pearl Blond Three main reasons as to why I transitioned from pearl blond to my natural haircolour or Why every hair colour is really not for everybody by Karolina Chic Photo credit: Marc Louviere While you should predominantly focus on the right...
Being Blonde or Seven crucial facts about blond hair you absolutely need to know (and no one tells you about) before you make the big decision by Karolina Chic Fair warning: 12 min read on everything you should know about what it...
Haircut from Hell or How I accidentally got the worst haircut of my adult life, why it was horrible, and what not to do to let it happen to anyone ever again by Karolina Chic Fair warning: 12 min read on how a frustrating hair...
Becoming Blonde or How to go from dark to platinum the process, the products, the cost, the feedback and everything that you may want to know about your next hair colour change by Karolina Chic Fair warning: 17 min read on the entire process of becoming...
Youthful Haircut or Five Biggest Hair Mistakes Middle Aged Women Still Make to Look Younger and what to do to instead to have ultra-flattering younger looking haireven if your hair follicles have been around for a few decades by Karolina Chic Fair...