Course comparison

Clarity above all


If you are into self-guided study, this is for you.

Maybe you are an introvert or shy,

or you simply prefer to learn independently at your own pace,

you are an ideal candidate for one of my online courses

– in the comparison table below.

Even tough all my detailed self-guided courses

are designed with utmost clarity for you to consume the content,

see the examples – both good and bad,

and easily & effortlesly

create your own Signature Style Solution,

colour palette, or take stellar branding pictures,

it can get lonely out there for driven idividuals

who prefer company, a guide, an expert conversation partner

about their particular image needs.



Is one-on-one highly personalized coaching style

more appealing to your personality?

Yes, it is!

Course Comparison

Karolina Chic

Clarity above all

If you are into self-guided study, this is for you.

Maybe you are an introvert or shy,

or you simply prefer to learn independently at your own pace,

you are an ideal candidate for one of my online courses

– in the comparison table below.

Even tough all my detailed self-guided courses

are designed with utmost clarity for you to consume the content,

see the examples both good and bad,

and easily & effortlesly

create your own Signature Style Solution,

colour palette, or take stellar branding pictures,

it can get lonely out there for driven idividuals

who prefer company, a guide, an expert conversation partner

about their particular image needs.


Is one-on-one highly personalized coaching style

more appealing to your personality?

Course Comparison

Karolina Chic

Clarity above all


If you are into self-guided study, this is for you.

Maybe you are an introvert or shy,

or you simply prefer to learn independently at your own pace,

you are an ideal candidate for one of my online courses

– in the comparison table below.

Even tough all my detailed self-guided courses

are designed with utmost clarity for you to consume the content,

see the examples – both good and bad,

and easily & effortlesly

create your own Signature Style Solution,

colour palette, or take stellar branding pictures,

it can get lonely out there for driven idividuals

who prefer company, a guide, an expert conversation partner

about their particular image needs.


Is one-on-one highly personalized coaching style

more appealing to your personality?